Uniquenamesforgirls.com was created to help people, parents, expectant parents, or anyone else learn about uncommon and common girl and/or boy names.
We want to provide the best information about finding new names or unique meathods of deriving a name for yourself including familial names, cultural or spiritually significant names, or using other less-common meathods.
MISSION: UniqueNamesforGirls.com’s mission is to provide meaningful information to people around the world about unique baby names, baby-related services and advice, parenting-related services and advice, and names in general.
VISION: UniqueNamesforGirls.com’s vision is be able to provide helpful parenting council and tools so raising a baby, or children, are easier for both mom and dad.
VALUES: UniqueNamesforGirls.com’s values are: Honesty, Integrity, Trust, Love, Kindness, Respect, and of course Family.