Whether this is your first or last baby, pregnancy can be scary and being prepared for your precious newborn can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress. Planning for you sweet newborn can be simple and it will help you make life happen rather than life simply happening to you. 10 things you can do to […]

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Least common names When it comes to naming your baby we recognize you want the best for your girl. You want the best safety, the best delivery care, the safest home and mode of transportation, and you want the best name for her. We want to make picking a name as easy as possible. Below […]

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We know you are looking for the least common names (we’ll post those soon too). We thought we would provide a list of the most popular girl names for you to compare any names you might be thinking of so you can ensure your daughter’s name is more unique than others. Below you will find […]

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“What should we name her?” An all too often question mothers ponder when discovering they are pregnant with a little baby girl. There are many ways to find a name for your newborn baby girl (or boy). Each name is unique to the parents and their child. The name should be special and meaningful, yet […]

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Like every child, every parent is different. Though we have similarities with other people, we don’t want other people naming our baby. We want the best for our child and know that he or she is unique. As parents we recognize our child is special (some more than others), and we want the best for […]

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